Monday, July 13, 2015

How to APPLY Gold NAIL FOILS - KYLIE jenner 2015 Inspired nails

I have always found nail foils to be so cool and bold, and ever since I saw Kylie wearing metallic nails, I wanted to try them myself. I found these nail foils at my local Ross store and decided to recreate kylie's nails from an Instagram post she posted a while back. I'm not sure what brand they are because I threw away the box, but a quick search on Amazon or your favorite nail art store surely carry nail foils and nail foil glue. Other than that the materials list is very short and simple as I demonstrate below. 

Nail polish that matches the nail foil.
The first thing you will need to do is find a nail polish that closely matches the nail foils you will be using. In my case I'm going to be using gold foils, so the closest polish I found was a metallic gold by l.a colors. I applied 2 coats and waited for it to dry completely. 

Nail foil strips - gold color 
Next you'll beed your nail foils. I was as to use one sheet per hand. What I did was cut each set of foil to five squares that would be enough for each nail and cut them. 

Nail foil glue/primer 
Then apply a thin layer of nail foil base or primer to each nail. This stuff usually comes with the nail foils (it did for me). It goes on milky white, but you should wait until it dries completely clear. After you can no longer see the primer/base, grab a piece of foil and press it over the nail. The foil should transfer perfectly. If you have any patches, just press again until you are satisfied. Repeat to all nails or you could just do one accent nail.

You just need these to cut the foil to smaller pieces. 

Tip: avoid using top coat because it completely ruins the effect of the foil. I learned this the hard way. 

✿I hope This was helpful to you. 
I also have a video version of this on my youtube channel, so if you're interested here is the link:


✿Join me on these social media sites!

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